Dragon Warriors

OOC Thread.
Page 40 of 105

Author:  Firestar76 [ Mon May 21, 2018 12:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OOC Thread.

I am ready for the first game

Author:  Damian May [ Mon May 21, 2018 12:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OOC Thread.

Uh, yep your up in this: http://www.libraryofhiabuor.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=359 IC thread.

Author:  Damian May [ Tue May 22, 2018 2:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OOC Thread.

Just for firestar, 15 gold ingots is equivalent to 150 silver Coradian florins or about 2x the value of everything ( materials and livestock included) in Igha village put together....its a weirdly large sum for the task given.

Author:  Kharille [ Tue May 22, 2018 2:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OOC Thread.

Hm., I thought mules were near 10 silver, just off the top of my head. Maybe I should've taken the rules of adventuring into account. But having to put up with Malim... We'll leave him behind, maybe he can usurp this lord whilst we're not looking....

Author:  Damian May [ Tue May 22, 2018 3:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OOC Thread.

Kharille wrote:
Hm., I thought mules were near 10 silver, just off the top of my head. Maybe I should've taken the rules of adventuring into account. But having to put up with Malim... We'll leave him behind, maybe he can usurp this lord whilst we're not looking....

Mules/Asses are about 10 silver equivalent in Mungoda ( They're 50F in Coradia!) ....but they're a long term investment. Goats are 2 cp, guinea fowl 1cp for a couple etc. Most of Mungodas pretty cheap in regards to day to day stuff.

Author:  Firestar76 [ Tue May 22, 2018 7:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OOC Thread.

Ah that's a lot of moolah! I guess I can buy a village? 5 gold for each for for party? Also, the plot reads very familiar to the adventure in book 2.

Oh may I take secondary skill of physical endurance detailed in cadaver draconis?

Author:  Damian May [ Tue May 22, 2018 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OOC Thread.

Firestar76 wrote:
Ah that's a lot of moolah! I guess I can buy a village? 5 gold for each for for party? Also, the plot reads very familiar to the adventure in book 2.

Oh may I take secondary skill of physical endurance detailed in cadaver draconis?

No secondary skills. I just don't like them. Is there a particular stat your not happy with, I may be able to be talked into a +1 to a stat. ;)

Theres a reason for the familiar plot.....and in the previous two storys as well. :)

Author:  Firestar76 [ Wed May 23, 2018 4:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OOC Thread.

Oh aha sorry GM coz u asked me to pick secondary skills from the book and I look through and found this to be the most useful one. most of the rest seem to be barbarian related.

My stats... well they are quite average.. haha but if you wanna let me change my stats that will be awesome! haha

Author:  Damian May [ Wed May 23, 2018 5:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OOC Thread.

Firestar76 wrote:
Oh aha sorry GM coz u asked me to pick secondary skills from the book and I look through and found this to be the most useful one. most of the rest seem to be barbarian related.

My stats... well they are quite average.. haha but if you wanna let me change my stats that will be awesome! haha

Hmmm.....ok, well how about +1 to a stat of your choice and:

Prerequisites: Minimum Reflexes of 12
When the PC rolls a Critical Hit, in
addition to the normal benefits, he can immediately
take a second attack.

Author:  Firestar76 [ Wed May 23, 2018 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OOC Thread.

Cool! That's a swell skill.... hehe can just whack people twice if I am fortunate!
Thanks! May I swap the scores around? Listed them in order as I wasn't sure if it could be done. thanks again GM!

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