Dragon Warriors

Live Thread: The Game Runs Here
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Author:  Kharille [ Mon Oct 01, 2018 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

"...So! Are you people expecting company!?!?!?"

Author:  inlebadger [ Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

Osric takes a deep breath and considers just marching past both the lady and the monks and through the door but decides better of it and waits to see what happens. If things get serious, he’ll jump over the bar for cover .

What’s happening here? Who are these people?, he whispers to another patron sitting by his shoulder.

Author:  Cobwebbed Dragon [ Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

Kharille wrote:
"...So! Are you people expecting company!?!?!?"

[OOC - I'm not sure to whom that was addressed; I'm assuming the monk.]
Simon reaches the top of the stairs, moments after the girl. He quickly takes in the landing and another monk at the far end of the corridor. The presence of the monk makes Simon feel uneasy, as if Simon's just been outmanoeuvred in a game he doesn't realise he's playing and for which he doesn't yet know the rules. Simon's no gentleman, but he steps in front of the girl, to put himself between her and the monk, unsure exactly how this might help should events take a violent turn but feeling a need to protect the girl.

Simon is comforted when Alistair joins him on the landing and calls out to the blue-robed figure:

Hail stranger; are you lost? Your friends are downstairs and mayhap you wish to join them?

Simon is not threatening in either his posture or his delivery (i.e., no hand on the hilt of his dagger or edge to his voice). He is, however, desperately trying to remember the words to the Portal spell, as he has half a mind to bundle everyone into one of the guest rooms and barricade the door, should it come to it, hoping that they could escape out of a window, maybe, and summon the guard (but only if things turn out that way - Simon is also hoping these strangers are still harmless monks, just unsure of the etiquette in a strange land).

Author:  Damian May [ Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

Emily buried her head in her hands and expressed a word she had heard One Thumb use quite a lot, as one of the boys calls out to the monk revealing that they were there....she had to think fast...

OOC: Do the large windows like the one where the monk is standing and the one near the stairwell open or are they solid frames?

Author:  Dreadnought [ Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

Damian May wrote:
Emily buried her head in her hands and expressed a word she had heard One Thumb use quite a lot, as one of the boys calls out to the monk revealing that they were there....she had to think fast...

OOC: Do the large windows like the one where the monk is standing and the one near the stairwell open or are they solid frames?

Both those windows look fixed and they are in pretty solid leaded frames. Even if you broke the glass, it would be hard to get out quickly because you'd need to bend the frames as well.

The monk turns in response to the call, and you think it's the same one who gave you the gold coin earlier. His voice is the same as well.

"Please. I ask of you not to do anything... foolish. We do not want to hurt anybody but we must not be stopped."

His Elleslandic is accented. Mercanian? It's close to that, but perhaps his voice is a little more cultured than that of the common sailors, who you normally encounter from that place.

Author:  Damian May [ Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

Emilys pulse began thudding...trapped....she was trapped...she sucked in a big breath of air and decided to go see things from a different perspective. She began marching purposefully towards the monk until she drew level with the open space to the left.

Author:  Cobwebbed Dragon [ Tue Oct 02, 2018 5:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

Simon keeps pace with the girl, reassured that the monk means them no immediate harm but still uncertain as to how events may yet unfold and continues to feel protective.

If you're here for a specific business, perhaps we can help? Our ways are different from yours and it is easy for a stranger unfamiliar with the city to look foolish, when another path could be taken.

Simon's delivery is relaxed and he smiles at the monk but his repetition of the word "foolish" is deliberate and lightly emphasised - Simon's not above being involved in something underhand to earn a little extra coin or, at the very least, is hoping to buy himself some time to come up with a better plan of escape.

Author:  Acoma [ Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

Alistair moves up beside Simon and attempts to memorise the monk's features (if visible) to identify him late if need be. He also starts muttering the incantation for Imperil under his breath to check he can remember it.

[OOC - do I need to roll for the memorising stuff about the monk?]

Author:  Kharille [ Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

Eggdras starts to head towards the kitchen. He's looking for some barrel of grease, in an ideal situation they'll have some warm melted lard or even clods of cold lard that might hinder people climbing up the stairs, or even getting into this tavern. If not, at least theres got to be a bowl of hot soup or something....

Hell, anything, even a bag of flour might come in handy in blinding someone....

Author:  Dreadnought [ Wed Oct 03, 2018 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Live Thread: The Game Runs Here

Emily, Simon, and Alister move forward as described. The monk (and yes, you can memorise his features) seems very alert as you do so, but doesn't seem particularly threatening. You feel like he's ready in case you attack him but he doesn't expect that.

You get to location 3 on the map, more or less.

You can see stairs up to the east, and a short corridor west. You can see there is an open door near the monk, at the northern end of the long corridor, and you can see another open door down the short corridor to the west. This would probably lead into the room where Emily knows of the balcony.

Down stairs, Eggdras has entered the kitchen. There's nothing hot on the stoves, but yes, he can get a sack of flour. Also available is a large leg ham, and a sack of potatoes as well as assorted knives.

In the common room of the inn, the lady knight steps almost casually until she is standing less than two feet from Osric. In a low voice she says, "If trouble starts, I'm not saying don't get involved, lad. But if I make a call to arms, don't feel you've any duty to respond..."

Dandy Lion Inn First Floor - game in progress2.PNG
Dandy Lion Inn First Floor - game in progress2.PNG [ 424.1 KiB | Viewed 3038 times ]

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