Dragon Warriors

King under the Forest - 2.5 After Elaine
Page 12 of 15

Author:  Damian May [ Wed Nov 10, 2021 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: King under the Forest - 2.5 After Elaine

Strellers wrote:
Peering down into the gloom, Max feels, despite some unease, a sense of curiosity.

It certainly isn’t a cess pit. The dank, rather than putrid odour was testament to that. Giving voice to his thoughts he says, ‘Something must be down there. Maybe another way out that will let us avoid the other skeletons as well as the living statue. ‘I’ll take a look.’

Lowering himself down, Max, Mayes eye contact with Laila, ‘cover me?’

Laila grinned, " Sure."

Author:  Strellers [ Wed Nov 10, 2021 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: King under the Forest - 2.5 After Elaine

Wondering if he should have phrased his request somewhat differently Max returns the grin and continues with his descent.

Author:  SimonB [ Thu Nov 11, 2021 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: King under the Forest - 2.5 After Elaine

The climb down continues. Max keeps going and soon he can barely see a spot of light from the top of the pit. Surely, this can't go down to the very depths of hell. Whatever, the darkness curls around him , a chill entering his bones, as he goes down and down.

A whisper, was that a whisper? Max can't tell as he descends further into stygian blackness.


Max descends and eventually disappears from sight.

Author:  Strellers [ Thu Nov 11, 2021 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: King under the Forest - 2.5 After Elaine

On hearing the whisper, Max pauses in his climb. Retrieving the crossbow from its holster, he scans the immediate area for danger whilst holding on with his free hand.

OOC as he is fading from sight I’m not sure if Laila will actually see this action but I felt a need to respond to the spookiness!

Author:  SimonB [ Thu Nov 11, 2021 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: King under the Forest - 2.5 After Elaine

Max sees no movement in the oppressive dark
Silence descends on him, almost palpable. The dark is overbearing.

Author:  Strellers [ Thu Nov 11, 2021 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: King under the Forest - 2.5 After Elaine

Surrounded by the darkness and oppressive silence, Max feels his heartbeat rise with what he knows to be an irrational fear.

Calming his breathing through a basic meditation, Max repeats one of the earliest lessons imparted to him by a wiseman in Kaikuhran desert. Fear nothing, understand everything.

Feeling his heart rate returning to normal, Max stows the crossbow back in its holster and resumes his descent.

Author:  SimonB [ Thu Nov 11, 2021 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: King under the Forest - 2.5 After Elaine

Finally, with a squidge and a plop, Max makes bottom. He sees nothing in the all pervailing dark, but he most certainly can feel the sucking of what he hopes is mud at his feet.


What are the rest of you doing?

Author:  Strellers [ Fri Nov 12, 2021 9:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: King under the Forest - 2.5 After Elaine

Arriving at the bottom, Max takes a few moments to let his senses adjust to the silence and to absorb whatever light is provided by his hand lantern.

He was curious as to what purpose this place may have served. An oubliette perhaps or maybe another way out of the tomb. He’d heard that resting places such as these were sometimes constructed with more than one entrance.

Either way he begins a cursory examination (of the outside wall if indeed another way out does exist and also of the floor in the event that it may have been an oubliette) careful not to lose his boots in what he hopes is indeed mud.

Author:  SimonB [ Sat Nov 13, 2021 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: King under the Forest - 2.5 After Elaine

The dark around him, almost lapping at the faint strands of light from his lantern, Max makes his way around the circumference of the pit. He discovers nothing in his perambulation but as he is almost back to the rungs of the ladder, his foot raps against something solid.

Author:  Nigelor [ Sat Nov 13, 2021 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: King under the Forest - 2.5 After Elaine

Corvin peers over the edge and calls down into the darkness in an overly loud whisper “Max! What have you found down there? Have you reached the bottom? Are you still with us?”

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