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A discussion forum for the Dragon Warriors RPG and related works
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 Post subject: Introductions Thread.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:00 am 
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Even though a lot of us already know each other from dragwars, various PbP games, as co-writers and even in RL I figure we could do with one of these threads for new folks.

I'll start.

My name is Damian May, I'm 41 years old and live in Melbourne, Australia where I work as a Concierge.

I first started playing DW back in 1985 in country SA.

I've been running DW PbPs on both rpg.net and rpol for the last ten or so years and running games at Melbourne Conventions ( Arcanacon, Unicon and Conquest) for the past four years or so.

I've co-written Dragon Warriors books for Magnum Opus and Serpent King including Fury of the Deep, Friends or Foes and The Players Book.

There are also a couple of my rougher convention scenarios elsewhere on the Library and a ton of my stuff on the Wiki.

co-author Fury of the Deep
co-author Friends or Foes
co-author Dragon Warriors Players Guide
co-author Cold Fury
co-author Cadaver Draconis
co-author Ordo Draconis 1 and 2.

 Post subject: Hi (Again)
PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:02 am 
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Hi guys, didn't know where else to post this so I chose here. Often new members to a forum drop a quick post indicating who they are, so I thought I'd kick the ball off. On the Yahoo message board my handle was mikepage1968. I first played DW from the paperbacks in the 80s then picked it up again in 2009 with my kids, but ported the campaign to Savage Worlds a couple of years later for simplicity reasons. Still playing the same campaign in Legend, so I lurk and watch. You can check out our shenanigins at my Savage Legend blog.
About to launch Steve Foster's Freeze Thy Blood Less Coldly on my players (which now include my wife and a family friend).
Living in deepest darkest Bavaria since 1990.
(Mods: If you find a better place for this post, please move it to where you see fit)

Visit Tales from Karickbridge on Obsidian Portal, oh and Savage Legend - The Blog

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:59 am 
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Excellent idea. I'm Shaun Hately, and I've been playing Dragon Warriors since I was aged about 10 back in 1985, having played a little bit of D&D before that. I live in Melbourne, Australia, and I'm a primary school teacher. Around 20 years ago, as I first started using the 'world wide web', I was mostly playing AD&D due to the difficulty in finding people who wanted to play anything else and so I set up an unofficial Dragon Warriors webpage at geocities, and around the same time set up the beginnings of the dragwars mailing list - I was active on the ADND-L list and thought my favourite game should also have a place where it could be discussed. I hoped there'd be other people around who remembered the game, and it turned out there was.

I ran a few Dragon Warriors games at Melbourne conventions ('The White Lady' which I co-wrote with Damien Wise - one of the people I had gamed with a kid, who remade contact through the Dragwars group) at Unicon in 1999, and 'The King Under the Forest' (directly as taken from the first book) at a Retrocon around... 2006, I think, but mostly played AD&D, gradually becoming part of a solid regular gaming group.

When James Wallis decided to go to the effort of resurrecting the game officially in 2008 through his Magnum Opus Press in association with Mongoose's Flaming Cobra, he asked me if I would put together a short scenario that could be used at conventions, and so I co-wrote with a friend from my regular group (Mark Turner), 'A Weak Pleasure'. Since around 2009, I've been running Dragon Warriors games at various Melbourne conventions - two 'campaigns' - the Springdale Chronicles, and the Family Griffon. I was lucky enough to write three NPCs who appeared in 'Friends or Foes' and I'm one of a fair number of people who contributed material to a book we're all eagerly awaiting at this point. And beyond that... well, I'll leave that for official people to announce officially...

I'm doing a lot of Dragon Warriors gaming at the moment. I'm running two real life campaigns - one with my regular Tuesday Night gaming group (http://domine-dirige-nos.obsidianportal.com/ (in fact, we're on in about two hours) is set in the city of Ongus, where the PCs are all 16 year old 'apprentices' on the verge of adulthood. There's also a campaign I've just started running twice a month on Sunday afternoons where I am hoping to take the players through the 'classic' Sleeping Gods campaign (and maybe add in 'The Elven Crystals', 'The Prince of Darkness' and some other things as well) (https://life-and-death-are-only-a-dice-roll-away.obsidianportal.com. I'm also running a once every four week online game using Roll 20 (next session this Saturday) https://dark-deeds-at-white-cliffs.obsidianportal.com, and I've also been playing in an every-second-friday night DW campaign as well (actually it's currently in a brief hiatus due to ill players).

Life and Death Are Only a Dice Roll Away!

Shaun Hately
co-author A Weak Pleasure
co-author Friends or Foes
co-author Dragon Warriors Players Guide

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 7:11 am 
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I am also currently writing a 'fanfic' type novel set in Legend (specifically in Ongus) aimed primarily at children. The draft is being shared as I work on it at http://drednort.deviantart.com/ for anybody who might be interested. It's the story of a street urchin who starts to find out he is a lot more than that. It's based around the backstory of one of my own characters (although it's a lot more developed than his backstory ever was), and it also explores some of my ideas about how magic works in my version of Legend.

(I tried to add this as an edit to my last post, but it didn't work - a glitch I need to start exploring. Anybody else notices glitches, please let me know in the Temporary Admin Forum).

Life and Death Are Only a Dice Roll Away!

Shaun Hately
co-author A Weak Pleasure
co-author Friends or Foes
co-author Dragon Warriors Players Guide

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:04 pm 
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Hi, everyone. I'm Gary, I'm currently 42 (where did the years go?), I live in Brisbane and I've been playing RPGs since 1985. I starting playing Dragon Warriors back in 1986, when the paperback books first came out: I've been a member of the Yahoo group for a long time now, but I don't post very often at the moment, partially because I'm not running any fantasy RPGs at the moment - running my weekly superhero game that's been going since January 1991 takes precedence. :)


Gary Johnson

Home Page: http://members.optusnet.com.au/~gwzjohnson
Exemplars Campaign Resources: http://members.optusnet.com.au/~gwzjohnson/exemplars.htm
Fantasy Role-Playing Game Page: http://members.optusnet.com.au/~pelari

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:29 pm 
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Kharille, more of a computer gamer than an rpger. I think the first book I looked at was book 2 and 4 so it took a while before I found Dragwars 1 in a neighbouring town. Without the basic rulesets it wasn't possible to figure this damned game out. However there are some basic mechanics I love about dragwars and my favourite, palladium fantasy rpg, the idea of swordsmanship which was reflected in the ATTACK AND DEFENCE scores in dragwars and also a similar system in Palladium Fantasy 1st revised edition. The 2nd revised edition was atrocious comic book style. Then again, the new professions seem to be coming out with super powers and feel like something out of a marvel superhero comic.

I like to think I originated several favourite topics most likely to cause dragwars people to go nuts, topics like revised EVASION rules, shield rules and I truly believe dragwars can do with more terrain rules and revised archery rules.

Living in Hong Kong and I really hate the scenery. If you think the Lord of the Rings world was fictional, come here and look at the greedy dwarves and infantile halflings running around. Jumping from publishing roles to other roles and I can't believe all the places I worked in can also be regarded as circuses.


And so the show begins!!!
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/dwp ... ssages/640

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:47 pm 
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I'm Chris Dawson, in Topsham, Maine. Been playing fantasy RPGs since AD&D first was published, yeah that shows my age-50. Until the Magnum Opus version of DW I'd never heard of the game. But I was able to run a couple of one-offs with my regular gaming group when I lived in Portland, Oregon and loved it. Currently I'm playing Castles & Crusades and Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, but am hoping when the Player's Book is finally released I may be able to push one of those groups into giving it a go. In the meanwhile, I'll keep lurking here about keeping my interest up.

Thanks to all of you who are keeping this great game moving forward.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 1:03 pm 
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Wayne Imlach - I'm a game designer (the digital kind), living in Gibraltar. I picked up DW when it was first released in the mid-eighties, and played it extensively through to the mid-nineties.

I haven't role-played proper for some years now, but I like to keep up with my old favourite rpg.

I'd probably be more involved in RPG publishing if it was more lucrative, but for now my creative energies go into my day job. Maybe when I retire. :)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 9:47 pm 
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Hi, I'm Gareth. In a fit of stupidity I decided to call myself WikiWikiWildWildWest when I logged in to the DW Wiki page. I thought it was funny the time...
I live in the UK and have recently returned to gaming after a long break, choosing DW as my returning point because it's unique and great fun.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:41 am 
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Hi all! My name is Kyle von der Borch, 41 from Adelaide Australia. I'm also Wodenkrait on the yahoo email. Started playing DW way back in 1986 and have been playing it on and off again ever since, almost always as GM. I haven't had a game going for a few years now but am always interested in how things are going with it and always snap up new books as soon as they are released.

Looking forward to what this forum can do!



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