Dragon Warriors

Criminals, hirelings and the price of labour...
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Author:  Kharille [ Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Criminals, hirelings and the price of labour...

Rewatching Auteuil's Le Bossu. Just crossed my mind, the hero hired his sword arm out for 100 crowns. I'm thinking, maybe heroic players aren't inclined to hire assassins and thugs but these same individuals might function in public as bodyguards and bouncers.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a supplement on organized crime? We have a justice system, so how much would it cost to hire thugs to burn a church? What happens when they get caught? Apart from killing, what if you pay people to disfigure, scar, beat up or just waste their inn and rustle cattle? What about guidelines for fencing stolen goods? Would this be of interest to anyone?

Author:  WodenKrait [ Sat Oct 15, 2016 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Criminals, hirelings and the price of labour...

Do you have something in the works Kharille? I'd be curious to see something in this area, but it sounds like a major undertaking. Also, the dividing line between "organised crime" and accepted governance was a lot fuzzier in the middle ages than it is today. Plenty of communities were run in a way that would look like a mafioso protection racket from today's perspective.



Author:  Kharille [ Sat Oct 15, 2016 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Criminals, hirelings and the price of labour...

I ain't got anything, but I figure it would be good to see how players fence off bloodied goods and also market rates for hardware when black death is going on. I'm sure it would be a colourful supplement but without some decent research...

Might be a good idea for a group effort. The various elements, untaxed gains and protection money. Would be a good source book for city encounters, similar to some of those blood sword fights by bully boys and longshoremen and whatever.

Author:  Dreadnought [ Sun Oct 16, 2016 1:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Criminals, hirelings and the price of labour...

I have a brief description of the closest thing to an organised thieves guild that operates in my version of Legend up at http://www.libraryofhiabuor.net/crookedrooks.html

It's particularly active in my version of Ongus - I've written quite a lot about that but it's embedded in my long Dragon Warriors novel (which will once again be my main writing focus in November as part of NaNoWriMo).

Author:  Kharille [ Sun Oct 16, 2016 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Criminals, hirelings and the price of labour...

Just thoughts, but the way I see it, paid hired help aren't going to last when combat turns ugly. Unless they're some kind of fanatics. This could be a specialist expansion book for the knave profession, the way you can motivate groups. Just a source book of fluff, I have no intention of rolling for every last interaction.

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