Dragon Warriors

A discussion forum for the Dragon Warriors RPG and related works
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 2:44 am 
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Dragon Warriors Discussion Forum Rules and Guidelines
Version 1.01, January 14th 2015 (Based on Rules and Guidelines for dragwars discussion group, V1.5 28/10/2010)

This website includes material based on the Dragon Warriors setting, as created by and copyright © Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson, and used according to the terms of the Serpent King Games Fan Policy. We are not permitted to charge you to use or access this content. This website is not published, endorsed, or officially approved by Serpent King Games. For more information about Dragon Warriors products and Serpent King Games, please visit http://www.serpentking.com

I. What Is The Purpose of this forum?

This unofficial forum has been primarily set up for discussion and exchange of ideas between players and GMs of the Dragon Warriors FRPG by Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson, published by Corgi books during the 1980s, initially republished by Mongoose and Magnum Opus (under the Flaming Cobra imprint) in 2008, and currently published by Serpent King Games. Anything covered by this game is a reasonable field for discussion whether it be rules aspect, role playing, or the geography, politics, and history of the Lands of Legend (this list is not all inclusive).

To a lesser extent it is also for the discussion of other related products - the Blood Sword solo and multi player gamebooks also by Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson with Jamie Thomson as an additional author, the fiction of Dave Morris (in particular The Chronicles of the Magi) and Oliver Johnson, as well as any other games related projects they have undertaken. There is no restriction on any of these subjects (subject to the rules below), but the forum is primarily Dragon Warriors based and that should be the predominant field of discussion.

Limited discussion of other products and topics is permissible, provided it has occurred logically and has not been contrived.

II. Rules of the Forum

We try to keep rules to a minimum. Please follow them.

1) No irrelvant commercial advertising - by this I do not mean that you can't advertise that you have books for sale. Provided the products are related to the Dragon Warriors game, that is not a problem. But do not post commercial or personal ads that have nothing to do with the Dragon Warriors game. An occasional commercial ad directly related to the Dragon Warriors game (for example, if a games store has a sale on official material) would be acceptable.

2) No abusive or indecent language. Both of these just lead to massive arguments and flame wars in my experience.

3) No flaming. Criticism is fine - especially constructive criticism. But do not get personal and do not use inflammatory language - it is possible to say you don't like something without getting abusive.

4) No violation of Copyright. Let us be clear - even if material is out of print and unavailable it still subject to Copyright law. Limited quoting of both old and new books is permissible for purposes of review or discussion - wholesale reproduction is not, unless you have the permission of the Copyright holders.

5) Under the terms of the Serpent King Games Fan Policy, we are required to observe the following rules: Use the Dragon Warriors setting responsibly and legally. That means avoiding associating the setting with extreme graphic violence, explicit sexual content, hate speech against any particular real-world segment of society, or anything else that does not present Dragon Warriors in a positive light.

III. Housekeeping

The main administrator of this forum is Shaun Hately AKA Dreadnought . You should contact him with any questions, complaints or queries about the forum.

This forum is generally unmoderated - that is, all posts will appear without any human interference (except for new members). The facility does exist to moderate the forum which would mean all posts would require approval by an administrator before being posted but the use of that facility is not anticipated as commonplace.

New members are placed on moderation until it is clear they are genuine members and not spammers.
Other moderators or administrators are identified by labels next to their names when they post. Please take requests, and if necessary, instructions from moderators seriously.

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