I've got a group of players whose current* destination is Ferromaine, in the Ferromaine League.
* As a way-point to the Crusades. I've got them delayed on the border between Chaubrette and Algandy at the moment, so I have some time...I have read the material in DW Book 6, along with the extra material provided on the Wiki (Ferromaine League and Legends of Ferromaine) and the couple of relevant entries in "Friends or Foes"... But I could do with a little more detail. I will probably end up drafting something up myself but, with real life restricting my available spare time, I was wondering if anyone here has, or knows of, further material that details the city of Ferromaine and its environs?* Is there a plan or map (even just a draft)? A list of the major families (Vassilvio, Sentapolo, Senfriti, Cotulio)? Currency (I can only find reference to Matapans - i.e. Florins - but what is the equivalent for Pennies and Crowns)? &c., &c...
* That they would be willing to share, of course!Many thanks!
(No worries if there is nothing else - I'll get to work on my own version. I'm just trying to save a bit of time and effort...)