Kharille wrote:
Just a thought that came to mind. If a Barbarian can 'dedicate' himself to the attack and disregarding defence, whats to stop someone omitting an attack to focus on Defence? Would it be ok to do a similar, 3 ATTACK = 1 DEFENCE conversion for knights? Just thinking how a Knight's priority might be to hold a line whilst other combatants outmanoevre their opponent?
And how would you resolve a situation where a Knight splits defence to defence a colleague? Would it be ok to add a sorcerors DEFENCE with his for a final DEFENCE score?
If I recall there is some sharing of defence rule for the Thane character from Ordo Draconis #2, though it's a bit limited in scope.
I have 'Defensive Combat Style' as a skill in my 'Skill Based' homebrew for DW - it's exactly as described, a character can forego 3 Attack to gain 1 Defence (the complementary barbarian skill is actually called 'Aggressive Combat Style').
Sharing defence would be tougher to balance. It may be useful as a specific skill - perhaps a character can sacrifice 3 points of their own Defence to improve an adjacent allies Defence by 1 point?
It could also be rolled into 'Defensive Combat Style' to make it a little more useful, so the gained Defence bonus can be either for yourself or an ally (or distributed if multiple Defence points are available).