Excellent idea. I'm Shaun Hately, and I've been playing Dragon Warriors since I was aged about 10 back in 1985, having played a little bit of D&D before that. I live in Melbourne, Australia, and I'm a primary school teacher. Around 20 years ago, as I first started using the 'world wide web', I was mostly playing AD&D due to the difficulty in finding people who wanted to play anything else and so I set up an unofficial Dragon Warriors webpage at geocities, and around the same time set up the beginnings of the dragwars mailing list - I was active on the ADND-L list and thought my favourite game should also have a place where it could be discussed. I hoped there'd be other people around who remembered the game, and it turned out there was.
I ran a few Dragon Warriors games at Melbourne conventions ('The White Lady' which I co-wrote with Damien Wise - one of the people I had gamed with a kid, who remade contact through the Dragwars group) at Unicon in 1999, and 'The King Under the Forest' (directly as taken from the first book) at a Retrocon around... 2006, I think, but mostly played AD&D, gradually becoming part of a solid regular gaming group.
When James Wallis decided to go to the effort of resurrecting the game officially in 2008 through his Magnum Opus Press in association with Mongoose's Flaming Cobra, he asked me if I would put together a short scenario that could be used at conventions, and so I co-wrote with a friend from my regular group (Mark Turner), 'A Weak Pleasure'. Since around 2009, I've been running Dragon Warriors games at various Melbourne conventions - two 'campaigns' - the Springdale Chronicles, and the Family Griffon. I was lucky enough to write three NPCs who appeared in 'Friends or Foes' and I'm one of a fair number of people who contributed material to a book we're all eagerly awaiting at this point. And beyond that... well, I'll leave that for official people to announce officially...
I'm doing a lot of Dragon Warriors gaming at the moment. I'm running two real life campaigns - one with my regular Tuesday Night gaming group (
http://domine-dirige-nos.obsidianportal.com/ (in fact, we're on in about two hours) is set in the city of Ongus, where the PCs are all 16 year old 'apprentices' on the verge of adulthood. There's also a campaign I've just started running twice a month on Sunday afternoons where I am hoping to take the players through the 'classic' Sleeping Gods campaign (and maybe add in 'The Elven Crystals', 'The Prince of Darkness' and some other things as well) (
https://life-and-death-are-only-a-dice-roll-away.obsidianportal.com. I'm also running a once every four week online game using Roll 20 (next session this Saturday)
https://dark-deeds-at-white-cliffs.obsidianportal.com, and I've also been playing in an every-second-friday night DW campaign as well (actually it's currently in a brief hiatus due to ill players).