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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:35 am 
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It is about three of the clock in the afternoon of Boldursdae, the fifth of Ploh-Monath in the Holy Year Nine Hundred and Ninety Seven, the ninth year of the reign of King Hadric of Ongus and you are all in the Dandy Lion Inn.

Why are you here? That’s up to you. It may be a regular haunt or you may have just come inside seeking refuge from the heavy rain that is falling outside at the moment. Being a Boldursdae (Saturday) afternoon, you have no work to do right now – by longstanding tradition, Boldursdae afternoons are the one period each week that all the children and youth of Ongus are free to do whatever they want within the limits of the law and morality, no matter how hard they are driven at other times – even the harshest taskmaster tends to go along with this because of pressure from outside – “You can work them ragged from dusk to dawn or dawn to dusk five and a half days a week, but half a day is theirs, and the other day is Gods.” And the area near the Dandy Lion in the ward of Gracefields has a number of open parks where young people often gather. It’s a fairly prosperous area of the city but not so much so that the poor are expected to keep away from it.

The Dandy Lion is a large establishment, homely, comfortable. It practices the tradition of stone soup – that is, a large cauldron of a thick soup – almost a stew – is kept cooking constantly on a fire and all may share in it. Those who can afford it are expected to pay for a bowl based on their means – a copper penny will do, but if you can afford more, even two pennies is viewed with kindness. It is understood – and sanctioned – by the Church, that paying more than a penny is a penance that will buy off some of your time in purgatory. And it doesn’t have to be money – putting something in the pot – a carrot or a turnip, or some ham, or some mutton… in fact any wholesome food – is just as good as money. If you cannot pay, no person is denied a bowl – in essence, the stone soup tradition is part of the way that Ongus makes some effort to ensure that nobody ever goes hungry. Not all taverns and inns participate but many do. And the Dandy Lion takes it seriously – the owner and landlord, Brydal Ranmere, a former crusader is a God fearing man who takes his duty to the saviour seriously.

So… you’re in the Dandy Lion, a rather crowded place. You look around. Maybe you see somebody you know…

It’s up to you, among yourselves, to decide whether you know each other already – and how well you do. I would assume you at least recognise each other well enough to be willing to share a table – and tables are starting to fill up. There’s one in the corner you might want to join up at. You may have already bought a drink at the bar – Ranmere’s people will not serve spirits or strong ale to those who can’t at least pass as having reached their late teens, but milder beer, and even ginger beer is available, as well as cider and perry… you can even get a mug of milk… and the water is free and known to come from a good well.

Life and Death Are Only a Dice Roll Away!

Shaun Hately
co-author A Weak Pleasure
co-author Friends or Foes
co-author Dragon Warriors Players Guide

PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:49 am 
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Eggdras would have a beer, more than half empty, and he would've had 3 bowls. No extras, but he needs the extra nutrion (crossing off 3 coppers).

[Need to read up. Anyone who is a local he would've known at some point in time, especially orphans so he may well know the assassin even if they aren't so closely connected. Different styles of combat, and understandable since some people don't have the physique to do the barbarian thing. Eggdras is definitely not sitting alone, so if nobody is there to keep his company, he will have an npc or 3 and roaring with the effects of 5-6 pints.

So how much is 5-6 pints of strong ale?]


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:28 pm 
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Osric of Notley is feeling somewhat overwhelmed.

Three nights of rough sleeping and long days trekking alongside the Umber have left him tired and hungry. The sense of relief on finally reaching the city this morning quickly turned into an wide-eyed panic as he struggled to deal with the size of the place and the crowds.

After gawping in the Grand Plaza for well over an hour, he was directed to the docks, but became quickly lost after a wrong turn led him into Gracefields where he narrowly avoided being run down by a cart. By the time he dejectedly accepted he must be going the wrong way, he found himself outside the sign of the Dandy Lion and realised just how famished he was. Glancing through the doorway, the reek of wholesome food and sound of congeniality was more enough to lure him hesitantly in.

He struggles a little with the concept of the soup costing whatever the customer wishes, and nervously offers up three pennies for a bowl and a mug of small beer having seen someone else be poured one.

[Osric knows nobody in Ongus, and will sit at an empty table if there is one, or will gladly be directed to an empty place at a full one]

PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:09 pm 
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Alistair would probably know Eggdras - they may have done some sort of manual labour together at some point.He's probably sitting at Eggdras' table and is maybe 2-3 pints into the house cider (price?).

PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:12 pm 
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Emily slipped into the seat beside Eggdras with a bowl of soup, the copper had been her last but it was soup or chewing leather again for supper....and the taste of tannin was starting to become actually appealing which was a bit of a worry.

Eggdras was big, and he smelled...but he kept his hands to himself and that was enough to call him a friend these days...she crooked an eybrow at Alistair, she'd seen him around before but didn't know much about him other than he knew Eggdras.

A boy dressed in rustic but quality clothing was timidly edging through the door and Emily saw that some others had already picked up on the seemingly bewildered stranger.

" Charity begins at home...or in the pub..."

She elbowed Eggdras, " Can you go fetch that lost lamb before he gets eaten....Raggies mob have already spotted him. Bring him here for some soup and beer."

co-author Fury of the Deep
co-author Friends or Foes
co-author Dragon Warriors Players Guide
co-author Cold Fury
co-author Cadaver Draconis
co-author Ordo Draconis 1 and 2.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:26 pm 
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Eggdras is all red faced and smells of alcohol from 5ft away. He tilts his head from his conversation with Alistair and then stares towards the floor. It takes him a few seconds searching for a lamb before he 'slides out' / barges the table out of place and heads over to welcome the new comer.

(looks 15)

Despite his physical condition, he is all smiles and even with a foot in the wrong place he embraces some of the people he's tripped over. He tries to explain the customs in 30 seconds and tells whasisname to join them at their table, before the pulling the table back in place.

"...So! Who r u and whaddya' do!?"


And so the show begins!!!
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 6:11 am 
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Alistair watches the actions of the drunk Eggdras bemusedly, like he's seen it many times before. However, when the stray arrives at the table he gives a nod of welcome and buys him a beer.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 8:18 am 
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Osric is a little wary of the stumbling stranger at first, and is more confused by his slurred explanations than he was before, but recognises the good intent and allows himself to be led over. He casts an eye over the table, a little surprised at the assorted company but is as used to rubbing shoulders with serfs as with freemen and is not a judge of men as Brother Tomas would have said.

He has a strong rural dialect (that I’m in no way going to attempt to keep up) but has seen enough well-mannered travellers stop at the manor to know how he should behave. He receives his tankard and raises it with both hands towards Alistair with as gracious a half-bow as he can.

"So please you, I am Osric of Notley and would thank ‘ee for your welcome. I am a pilgrim alone here, and am honoured by your hospitality. I seeks passage to Chaubrette" (he stammers a little over the strange word) but I must confess that this city is a far larger place than I would have dreamed of."

"And of course much more splendid too", he adds quickly for fear of offence.

As soon as he feels that he has been properly accepted at the table, he pulls off his sodden, travel-smeared hood and sits to eat hungrily, letting the warmth spill back into his hands and his belly.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:32 am 
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Emily smiled at Osric.

" I'm Emily. Big Jobs here is Eggdras. Quiet one is Alistair."

"Why you wanna go to Shawbret?"

She sipped a little from Eggdras beer and then hunched over her soup.

" Pilgrim? Where you from?"

co-author Fury of the Deep
co-author Friends or Foes
co-author Dragon Warriors Players Guide
co-author Cold Fury
co-author Cadaver Draconis
co-author Ordo Draconis 1 and 2.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 10:55 am 
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The Dandy Lion ground floor.

I am assuming you are occupying the table at top left. The place is crowded.

The menu is quite extensive:

Beverages – per serve:

Ale (St Alauria’s Special Brew)… 1 penny
Beer (St Alauria’s Goodbeer)… 1 penny
Cider (Dreadhollow’s Best)… 1 penny
Ginger Beer (Swanbrewed)… 1 penny
Small Beer (House Brew)... 1 penny

Mead (Bees Best)… 3 pennies
Spiced Mead (Cheeky Bees)… 4 pennies
White Mead (Bee and Bird)… 4 pennies

Milk (almond) (Homemade)… 3 pennies
Milk (cow) (Tread Road Dairy)… 3 pennies
Milk (goat)… 2 pennies

Blackberry Wine (Northgate Wines)… 3 pennies
Chaubrettan Wine (Vilnen’s the Vintners)… 2 florins
Elderberry Wine (Northgate Wines)… 3 pennies
Mulled Wine (Northgate Wines)… 8 pennies
Claret (Northgate Wines)… 3 pennies

Applejack (Dreadhollow’s Strong)… 3 florins
Brandy (Vilnen’s Quality Blend)… 2 florins
Thulish Spirits (Thulanch)… 2 florins
Sack (Vilnen’s Forter)… 1 florin

Dandelion and Burdock (Mistress Hildegarde’s)… 1 penny
Lemonade (Mistress Hildegarde’s)… 4 pennies
Limeade (Mistress Hildegarde’s)… 3 pennies


Bread Roll (Tucker Street Bakery)… 1 penny
Cheese (block) (Fishhead Cheese)… 2 pennies
Oysters (3) (Docksides Sauce)… 2 pennies
Pickled Herring (Docksides Sauce)… 1 penny
Pickled Onion (Fishhead Cheese)… 1 penny

Baked Potato (blind)… 3 pennies
Baked Potato with Cheese… 4 pennies
Baked Potato with Sour Cream… 4 pennies
Baked Potato with Bacon… 4 pennies
Baked Potato with Onions… 4 pennies
Baked Potato with All the Trims… 1 florin

Cabbage Chowder… 4 pennies
Chicken Soup… 4 pennies
Chipped Potatoes… 3 pennies
Chitterlings… 7 pennies
Egg (fried, boiled, or scrambled)… 2 pennies
Egg and bacon… 6 pennies
Egg and Bacon and Sausage… 1 florin
Fried Fish… 6 pennies
Grilled Fish… 5 pennies
Lasagne with cheese… 3 florins
Meat Pottage (pottage with meat)…. 9 pennies
Mortrew (higher quality meat pottage)… 15 pennies
Mutton stew… 2 florins
Pigeon Pie… 5 pennies
Pigs Trotters (each)… 5 pennies
Ploughmans Lunch… 4 pennies
Pork Sausages (2) with vegetables… 9 pennies
Pork Sausages (each)…. 3 pennies
Porridge… 2 pennies
Pottage (grain and vegetable stew)… 3 pennies
Roast Mutton with vegetables… 3 florins
Roast Pork with vegetables… 4 florins
Roast Rabbit with vegetables… 2 florins
roast Salmon with wine sauce… 5 florins
Scumgullion… 6 pennies
Cheese Tart… 5 pennies
Eel Pie… 9 pennies
Steak and Kidney Pie… 1 florin

Specialty of the House

Roast Goose with vegetables…10 florins (must be ordered two days in advance)

Stone Soup

Because of their strong religious beliefs, Brydal Ranmere maintain the tradition of Stone Soup in their tavern. Under this tradition a cauldron of Stone Soup is kept bubbling on a fire at all times. Any person may get a bowl of this soup in exchange for one penny or by putting an ingredient of some sort – an onion, or a mushroom, or a scrap of meat, or some cabbage – into the pot. People believe that paying a penny for another who cannot afford their own will also buy off a little of your own sin as a minor indulgence – exactly what is in Stone Soup at any time is unknown and sometimes best not thought about – but it staves away starvation for many in their times of need.

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Life and Death Are Only a Dice Roll Away!

Shaun Hately
co-author A Weak Pleasure
co-author Friends or Foes
co-author Dragon Warriors Players Guide
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