Dragon Warriors

CHARACTER: Emily Smickett
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Author:  Dreadnought [ Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:31 am ]
Post subject:  CHARACTER: Emily Smickett

If Damian May could place their character in this thread, this will constitute their official character sheet.

Author:  Damian May [ Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CHARACTER: Emily Smickett

Emily Smickett


Race: Human
Height: 1.2m Handedness: Right
Weight: 38kg Gender: Female
Age: 12
Profession: Assassin
Rank: 1
Vision: Normal
Experience: 0

Strength: 9
Reflexes: 16
Intelligence: 13
Psychic Talent: 9
Looks: 11

Attack: 14
Defence: 7

Magical Defence: 3
Evasion: 7

Stealth: 19
Perception: 8

Movement: 10m (20m)

Health Points: 11

Professional Skills:
Stealth (p42)
Armour Piercing (p42)
Breakfall ( p46)

Notable Possessions:
- backpack
- daggers ( 2) ( 1d4+1, 3)
- padded armour AF: 1
-miscellaneous equipment (rope, climbing gear, hand
lantern, flint-and-tinder, etc), 3-30 florins.

Wealth: 25 florins

Languages: Elleslandic ( Fluent ). Illiterate.

Emily Smickett or Smicks lives in the roof space of a truly terrible tenement on Knuckle Lane in Byway.When she's not begging on the steps of the Sacred Mother of Peace she's lifting small items from folks on the surrounding streets. She has ferreted out a number of basements and located two tunnel entrances though she has not yet ventured down any and they may well prove to be nothing.

One Thumb Charlie has taken her under his wing to work as a second-storeyman and they work well together though the old bugger has noted she's started to mature and it may well be necessary soon to put a blade through his grabby hands. Her mother is dead and the man calling himself her father was last seen when she was three though she looks nothing like he did. She lives with her older sister who works as a spinster in the neighbouring ward.

Twelve years of age with jet black hair and flashing green eyes, she is quite short and her darker skin tone and features indicate that perhaps her father was from much further away than Crggen Varis like she was told.

Author:  Dreadnought [ Sun Sep 30, 2018 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CHARACTER: Emily Smickett

A question for Emily - is she affiliated with the Crooked Rooks? (the closest thing Ongus has to a guild of thieves). Given her age, she will have started to come under pressure to formally swear her allegiance to them, but the pressure is still relatively minor. The rooks do tolerate other thieves in Ongus so it's not compulsory to swear an oath, but it does carry some advantages as well as disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the requirement to tithe a tenth of your income to the Rooks and a tenth of your income to the Church (why this second requirement exists is unclear). Of course, it's not that hard to get away with misrepresenting things. The main advantage is that as theft of property worth more then two florins is a capital crime, the fact that the Rooks claim to have a guaranteed way of getting you off the first time the first time you face a capital charge, and can often manage it at least a few times before somebody's luck runs out, is a pretty nice perk. And it does seem to work from what you've seen.

(Anybody over seven can be tried and executed - in practice, there does seem to be a reluctance on the part of a lot of city officials to hang children, but if you wind up in front of the wrong magistrate...)

Author:  Damian May [ Sun Sep 30, 2018 9:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CHARACTER: Emily Smickett

Dreadnought wrote:
A question for Emily - is she affiliated with the Crooked Rooks? (the closest thing Ongus has to a guild of thieves). Given her age, she will have started to come under pressure to formally swear her allegiance to them, but the pressure is still relatively minor. The rooks do tolerate other thieves in Ongus so it's not compulsory to swear an oath, but it does carry some advantages as well as disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the requirement to tithe a tenth of your income to the Rooks and a tenth of your income to the Church (why this second requirement exists is unclear). Of course, it's not that hard to get away with misrepresenting things. The main advantage is that as theft of property worth more then two florins is a capital crime, the fact that the Rooks claim to have a guaranteed way of getting you off the first time the first time you face a capital charge, and can often manage it at least a few times before somebody's luck runs out, is a pretty nice perk. And it does seem to work from what you've seen.

(Anybody over seven can be tried and executed - in practice, there does seem to be a reluctance on the part of a lot of city officials to hang children, but if you wind up in front of the wrong magistrate...)

Not yet.

I have a feeling her mentor doesn't get along with them and she probably thinks he's 'protecting' her from them at the moment.

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