Dragon Warriors

Unarmed Defence Penalty?
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Author:  wimlach [ Mon Mar 05, 2018 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unarmed Defence Penalty?

WodenKrait wrote:
NickDaniel wrote:
I'd also like to see a skilled attacker be able do more damage with a blow to address my first point. This could make it more lethal for players though...

One way to do this would be to allow skilled Attackers (or anyone else actually) to sacrifice Attack points in exchange for extra AB or damage. This would help mitigate the fun-limiting situation in the rules in which an extremely high Attack combatant is exactly as effective against a puny foe as a merely very good one.

This would probably be best implemented in conjunction with revised Critical Hit rules to discourage feeble characters from sacrificing Attack when they could only score a hit on a critical roll anyway.



I had a similar system for this in my house rules. This was for reducing armour only. The same method could be applied for trying to increase damage : +1 for every two points attack is reduced (Precise Strike).

Achilles Heel
A character can attempt to aim for a weak spot in his opponent's armour. For every two points he reduces his attack, he may deduct one from his opponents armour factor when rolling damage. Note that any character aiming for a weak spot foregoes the minimum chance of 1 on a D20 of scoring a critical hit.

Author:  Cobwebbed Dragon [ Mon Mar 05, 2018 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unarmed Defence Penalty?

NickDaniel wrote:
You are talking about some of my pet hates with hit points and damage.
1. If you stab an uninjured person with a dagger it is impossible to kill them with one blow. Even a critical hit can't do it.
2. If you have taken almost all your hit points of damage you're still able to move, fight and do anything else just as well as you could with full hit points.

I understand that these rules keep things nice and simple which is good, but it still irks me. I don't have any solutions at the moment either. :?

I think what you're looking for is GURPS. The amount of Health lost in a combat round is the penalty to your actions you suffer in the following round and, of course, some skills are based on current Health so the more injured you are, the worse you get at them.

Author:  Cobwebbed Dragon [ Mon Mar 05, 2018 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unarmed Defence Penalty?

WodenKrait wrote:
NickDaniel wrote:
I'd also like to see a skilled attacker be able do more damage with a blow to address my first point. This could make it more lethal for players though...

One way to do this would be to allow skilled Attackers (or anyone else actually) to sacrifice Attack points in exchange for extra AB or damage. This would help mitigate the fun-limiting situation in the rules in which an extremely high Attack combatant is exactly as effective against a puny foe as a merely very good one.

I agree - additional combat skill should count for something. Each of the armours in my game has a called shot penalty, a number subtracted from Attack if you want to automatically bypass that armour. It's a sliding scale from -3 for leather to -7, I think, for Plate.

Author:  Starkad [ Tue Mar 06, 2018 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unarmed Defence Penalty?

The problem with allowing a warrior to reduce their ATTACK to gain a bonus to Armour Bypass or damage is that monsters could do the same. A dragon, a titan, or other fearsome (intelligent) beast could easily afford to drop its ATTACK by a few points and then shred the character's armour like so much tissue paper.

It depends what you want out of your game: everything you allow the characters to do can also be done to them.

Author:  wimlach [ Tue Mar 06, 2018 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unarmed Defence Penalty?

The simplest solution is that monsters don't get the ability. But if you want to restrict it to characters and noted NPC's only, within the framework of the rules, make it a skill - so it'll be primarily warrior types that pick up 'Achilles Heel' and 'Precise Strike'.

Skills of the mighty for Knights, Barbs and other fighty types? Or freebie skills if you want to give them a few extra options in combat.

Maybe the max they can sacrifice is equal to Rank, so only from 2nd rank onward is it usable (and only then to gain a +1 to AB or damage).

Only a warrior of 10th rank or greater has the skill to guarantee slipping his blade past the plate armour of a foe, presuming it is worn by some clumsy hotblood or novice. However, any opponent of worth would not leave their defence open to such a tactic...

I'd also add a common sense caveat to the ability - Achilles Heel is only usable to reduce the protection from actual armour, it doesn't reduce any 'armour factor' that represents the innate toughness of a beast.

Author:  WodenKrait [ Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unarmed Defence Penalty?

Starkad wrote:
The problem with allowing a warrior to reduce their ATTACK to gain a bonus to Armour Bypass or damage is that monsters could do the same. .

I have something to say about this but I'd love to find a term for this issue which comes up a lot in these discussions. For the moment I'm going to call it Character/Antagonist Skill Asynchrony Syndrome or CASAS. Another term for this is the Algandarve phrase mi CASA tu CASA which can be translated as "any offensive ability your characters obtain goes the same for hostile monsters and NPCs, only worse because there are so many of them."




Author:  Kharille [ Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unarmed Defence Penalty?

Oh no kidding. With every character class having superheroe powers, next the farmers will be sophisticated with 'disabling pitchfork attack', 'shovel dirt into face', 'fling fertilizer in eyes' abilities and 'conceal self in a stack of hay'. I don't know, somehow wfrp reminds me of this, better read the 2ed version one of these days.. beggars, fisherman, executioners and jailers....

Author:  Kharille [ Tue Mar 06, 2018 6:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unarmed Defence Penalty?

Kharille wrote:

True, true, but I'm curious. Maybe I'll put one together if I can find enough work time to kill. I figure a series of formulae that interlink. Realistically every wound would hinder a player. A knife wound in the guts would hobble your sprinting speed. At least this one would be easy to complete in a matter of weeks.

Ok, here it is. An excel charactersheet. All the stat bonuses are factored into the excel which is in the calculations below. The top includes current stats and after ability score additions. If the character is wounded the current health and 'wound status' makes a proportional reduction in ability scores and thus the derived scores for ATTACK, DEFENCE scores depending on how wounded the individual is.

I'd like to expand the scores, for strength 19 and 20 I'd best add higher bonuses to ATTACK and DEFENCE. Perhaps the score for a vampire can be compared with the equivalent ranked knight to get the bonus to ATTACK and DEFENCE.

Put it in another part of the forum:

Derived score shot.jpg
Derived score shot.jpg [ 233.69 KiB | Viewed 4626 times ]

Author:  WodenKrait [ Tue Mar 06, 2018 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unarmed Defence Penalty?

Cool, cool. Can you make that into a mobile app now? Excel is a hassle.

No rush. By the weekend would be fine.



Author:  Kharille [ Tue Mar 06, 2018 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unarmed Defence Penalty?

I shoulda' been an IT guy. I' spend all my time either holding a mouse at work or holding a mouse at home. Not sure how to change it into an app. I got an i7 computer in 2014 and I still probably don't do anything useful except play fallout 4 and skyrim with it. I figure there are other excel formulae that can make this work smoother, right now I'd have to manually move the '1' to designate the current strength and reflexes. But I figure this is more represntative of how a wounded character starts to fight badly when wounded, and right now I can't think of another system that can take that into account.

Guess excel is not for everyone....

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