Dragon Warriors

War, Famine, Disease - effects on price and society? - Trade
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Author:  Kharille [ Mon Feb 04, 2019 4:47 am ]
Post subject:  War, Famine, Disease - effects on price and society? - Trade

Just looking at the system, its all static. I assume that there is some peace going on. But what about current events, wars, disease, famine and other events and how that affects prices? I'm sure the cost of arms and armour would go up if there is a war. Also if there are seasonal disruptions, droughts and all then the price of food would go up. How do you bring that into your game?

Maybe there would be major hostility to strangers, especially if there is a continent wide disease going about? Wouldn't it be harder to fence stolen goods when major events are taking place?

Is it possible that when two feudal lords war, there would be more screening of travellers and official or unofficial taxation?

Since I'm on that, what about positive events like an abundant harvest and in response, more warmer hospitality? What about better trade relations with Chaubrette and more wine in the markets? Can you handle players taking up trading? Wouldn't it be nice to have a system of trade, importing or smuggling goods? What largrestin did in book 3 blood sword, smuggling silks?

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